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Friday, August 26, 2011

Only 30 want to see Lions in action in China


SINGAPORE - Radojko Avramovic and his Lions arrived in Kunming yesterday to kick off their acclimatisation programme in the Chinese city, located some 1,900m above sea level.

On Sept 2 when they stand, hands on hearts, to sing the Majulah Singapura at the Tuodong Stadium in the opening fixture in Group A of the third round of the FIFA World Cup qualifiers, only 30 Singaporeans will sing the national anthem with the Lions.

In response to queries, the Football Association of Singapore (FAS) revealed they had only received some 30 requests for tickets to the China-Singapore fixture by their 2pm deadline yesterday. In comparison, some 500 travelled to Kuala Lumpur to watch the Lions face Malaysia in the second round, second leg qualifier on July 28.

One of the 30 who will travel to Kunming, 22-year-old student Arief Aditya, is not bothered by the lack of numbers.

"The venue and timing of the match makes it difficult for many to travel, but the number of people there doesn't really matter. I just hope Singaporeans will support the team," said Arief, who paid about S$1,000 for flights and accommodation in addition to the S$45 match ticket.

With Sept 1 being Teacher's Day, and the following Friday a school holiday, Arief and his friends will not miss any classes.

Akbar Hashim, who used to organise trips north of the Causeway for away games during the Malaysia Cup heyday, is offering similar services for this game.

But the uptake has been poor. "About 30 people have indicated their interest, but none have made confirmations so far," he said.

Akbar is charging S$1,200 for his package that will include airfare, accommodation, all transfers as well as match tickets.

"I have made most of the arrangements already, but FAS' deadline for ticket sales has closed, and if I don't get any confirmations by Monday, I will have to call the entire thing off," he added.

Arief, though, has something up his sleeves for the Lions in Kunming. He said: "We do have plans for what we will do at the match, but we want it to be a surprise."

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