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Friday, August 26, 2011

The Lions road less travelled


Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011

The morning on the 22nd of August saw a group of men decked in Nike apparel making their way through the doors of Changi Airport Terminal One to depart on a trip leading up to the opening game of the FIFA World Cup Asian Zone Group A Qualifier between China PR and Singapore.

The Lions left the comfort of home-cooked food, their own beds and their loved ones to begin a 13 day trip that would see them face Thailand in a friendly before taking on China on their home turf in the high altitude city of Kunming.

Training went smoothly at the Rajamangala National Stadium and when match-day came, the players went out and played to coach Radojko Avramovic’s plans.

Coach Raddy looked at various options and tested out players in different positions throughout the match against Thailand which ended goalless, to see who are the players he can call upon against China, to fill the position of midfield lynchpin, Hariss Harun who did not make the trip as he has only just begun national service.

Speaking after the match against the Thais, he said: “I don’t want to discuss whether Hariss will be able to make it for the China game or not. I have a whole team here and it will be an opportunity to see who can step up and show the commitment and hunger to fill the midfield role.”

Another key point about the trip was that many of the Malay players will have to miss the traditional Hari Raya celebrations at the end of August but the players who were quizzed by the media about this came out strongly to show their determination to play for the country.

Home United’s midfield enforcer, Isa Halim spoke to a reporter at Changi Airport and said: “Of course it is disappointing not to be able to celebrate Hari Raya with my wife. We just got married and she had made plans around work to be around for the festive period but unfortunately, I will not be able to make it. But I have to go for this trip and do my part for the team. We have a job to do and that is my focus.”

Throughout the four days spent in Bangkok, the atmosphere within the group was a good and focused one with players speaking positively about their chances against Group A’s giant, China.

The team packed up and headed for Kunming direct from Bangkok on Thursday, 25 August to begin their on-ground preparation leading up to the game at the Tudong Stadium on the 2nd of September.

Arriving at the hotel, coach Raddy decided swiftly that there will be no training upon arrival and subsequently proceeded to put the players through a recovery session encompassing sauna and swim sessions.

With a strong local media following since their arrival and the much talked about altitude adaptation, the Lions will have to stay focused and get themselves into the best shape possible in the coming week.

The Lions tour of duty continues.....

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