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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yemen beat Singapore in 2012 Olympics qualifier


SINGAPORE'S pre-Olympic qualifying journey ended at the first hurdle after they fell 0-1 to Yemen at the Sheikh Khalifa International Stadium in the United Arab Emirates on Monday night, rounding off a 0-3 aggregate loss.

The only goal of the game came in the 14th minute when Mohammed Al Khadeer capitalised on a mistake by Singapore left-back Shakir Hamzah to divert Munassar Awadh's cross past goalkeeper Izwan Mahbud.

Like they did in the first leg on Saturday, the Republic's Under-21 side created a host of goal-scoring opportunities but were unable to find the Yemen net, with Fazli Ayob, Zulfahmi Arifin and Shafiq Zainal all coming close.

Defeat marks the second time in succession that Singapore have crashed out at the first round of pre-Olympic qualifying. In 2007, they lost 3-5 over two legs to Pakistan.

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