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Friday, October 28, 2011

New Lion ready to adapt quickly


Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2011

Finally! That is probably the best word to describe feelings around Home United FC midfielder Firdaus Idros’ first call-up to the Singapore National Team.

Coach Radojko Avramovic released his squad list for the upcoming FIFA World Cup Qualifiers against Jordan away and China at home last week and one of two new faces in the squad was Firdaus Idros who has had a spectacular season in the Great Eastern Yeo’s S-League so far with nine goals.

A speed demon blessed with good finishing skills, Firdaus has been touted by fans and players alike to don the national jersey for the past few months.

Speaking to Kelvin Leong at the Bishan Stadium before his club training today,

Firdaus said: “I really don’t know what to be feeling at the moment. I guess when the day comes to report for national team training, everything will sink in. Now I am just focusing on tomorrow’s game against the Young Lions because we need to secure a win to get one hand on the trophy.

“In one way, it is good that through my performance for Home United, I am not given a chance to don the national colours but everything I have thought of this season is to focus on my club to win at least one piece of silverware because we have not been winning for the past few years.

With the S-League title one of his top priorities, Firdaus is also pleased to be given the opportunity to play alongside some of his old mates whom he reckons will help him feel very much at home when he reports for national team training.

He added: “I was previously from the Young Lions before and when I was at the SEA Games in Laos, he was there all along. And I am lucky that quite a few of my team-mates will be with me in the national team, about five of them so the atmosphere should be the same and even most of the players in the squad like Ismail Yunos and Fazrul Nawaz were all my ex team-mates from the Young Lions so I don’t think it will be hard for me to adapt. Actually all of them were hoping that I get called up in the past few months.”

With a hearty laugh, the nifty midfielder could not hold back his laughter when quizzed about how he found out about his Lions call-up.

“I first found out about the news from Mail (Ismail Yunos). I have been playing alongside him since 13 or 14 years old so he was the first one to message me and gave me the news before the club and the media told me about it. I was happy about the news and am excited at the opportunity to pull on the jersey.” said the Protectors’ midfielder.

We could not resist making a phone call to Ismail Yunos just to find out what he thinks of his pal’s call-up to the national side.

The Gombak United defender was full of praise for his good mate, “Firdaus finally got his chance! I am really happy and pleased for him to be involved with the national team. He has a lot of talent and it is all about showing it on the international stage. I’m looking forward to seeing him at our first training session!”

Arguably the best year of his footballing career so far, Coach Avramovic might want to give Firdaus his favourite jersey number to ensure that the player can translate club form onto the international stage.

He summed it up when he said: “If I get a chance to select my jersey number for the Lions, it has to be No.12 which I wear at Home United because it is also the date of my birthday and I have been scoring goals so I guess that will be my preferred number!”

Hard work and determination has gotten him this far. Now the stage is set for Firdaus Idros to stake his claim on a permanent spot in the Lions setup.

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