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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Logo competition for Singapore Football !

If you think you have what it takes to design a logo, design a logo for us!
Singapore Football needs a logo for their website, Twitter and the Facebook Fanpage.
Send your logo in .jpg format to
We will then use the winner logo and use it as the Singapore Football very own logo.
But one bad news is that there will be no prizes given to the winner.
Do not worry as we will give credits for the design of the logo.
Design a logo with passion for us for the endless support that you have given to Singapore Football scene.
So send your creative ideas logo now!
Dateline of submission of logo is on 30 September 2011 at 2359hours.
Result will be publish on the site, Facebook and Twitter by 3rd October 2011.
Just a reminder: There will be no prizes for this competition.

Send your email in this format :

(Logo(.jpg) uploaded in the attachment)

Name: Full Name

(And answer this question.)
Why do you think your logo deserve to be the new Singapore Football Logo ? (not more then 50 words)

The best logo design and the best answer will win the SGfootball Logo Competition.
Thank you for the endless support.


1 comment:

  1. just linked this article on my facebook account. it’s a very interesting article for all.
