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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Under-16s all keyed up to rouse the nation again


May 26, 2011 In the audience of more than 500 at the Singapore Sports Award last night were the national under-16 football team that enraptured the nation during last year's Youth Olympics.

The team rallied the nation behind them en route to winning the under-15 boys' bronze medal and skipper Jeffrey Lightfoot is looking forward to doing the same again during the Canon Lion City Cup next month, despite the fact that expectations from the public will be high.

"There's always going to be pressure, but we're looking forward to doing well again with the support from the fans, friends and family," said Lightfoot, whose team received the Junior Team of the Year award.

The 15-year-old is recovering from a muscle strain but may travel with the current squad on their pre-tournament tour of Sydney on June 9, where they are due to play several friendlies.

"Coach has told me that I may go to Sydney even if I can't play, as it'll be good for team bonding," he added.

It's that bonding that exemplifies what Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean said when he talked about sport being a unifying factor, pointed out Mark Lightfoot, Jeffrey's father.

"The team is made up of boys of all races. They socialise together, play together, and have grown up together since they were 12," said Lightfoot senior. Philip Goh

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