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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Opening the door to Europe


SINGAPORE - Having experienced top-flight European football in the 1980s, Fandi Ahmad believes he can help more Singaporeans play professionally on the continent.

Revealing details of a collaboration between his Fandi Ahmad Academy (FAA), the Genova International School of Soccer (GISS) and Italian Serie B side Vicenza Calcio at SAFRA Tampines yesterday, the former Singapore star said he aims to send 30 to 45 players over the next six months for stints in Italy in the hope of helping them secure contracts worth at least €50,000 (S$88,570) annually.

"I've gone through this (process) and have seen it," said 49-year-old Fandi, who played for Dutch side FC Groningen (1983 to 1985) and Greek side OFI Crete (1990). "If we can send 100 (players), don't tell me not even one can make the grade?"

A month-long stint will cost about S$6,000 per player and Fandi, also GISS project manager for Asia, said talks with potential sponsors are progressing well.

With bases worldwide, GISS, whose headquarters is in Piedmonte, Italy, has secured deals for 42 players over the past 18 months.

Singaporean Ahmad Hakim Putra, 20, whose self-funded six-month stint with GISS ends in July, has also attracted interest but the school's director, Morris Pagniello, is keeping mum about details.

Firdaus Tohari, 18, and Singapore Sports School's Jonathan Tan, 16, part of last year's Youth Olympic Games side, recently completed attachments with GISS, while Luis Lim, a 17-year-old Singapore Polytechnic student, will leave for Italy in the next two months.

Despite initial reservations about Lim's intention to pursue a professional career, his father Dave, 46, said: "Studies can wait but chances like this may never come again."

Firdaus, who is returning to GISS soon, is also looking at a month-long stint with Hungarian side Ferencvaros.

European club scouts watch the trainees at weekly friendlies and tournaments, although Vicenza, which counts the likes of Paolo Rossi, Luca Toni and Roberto Baggio as alumni, has first option on players from the FAA, which was formed in March and has 200 trainees working with 16 coaches.

"It is important they perform every week as that is how they get spotted," said Fandi.

Ex-national star V Sundramoorthy, who starred for Swiss side FC Basel (1987 to 1988), is the only other Singaporean to have played professionally in Europe.

Said Pagniello: "Within six months, we could see Singapore players being signed up … Technically and tactically, they're not far off the Europeans. There are actually more opportunities to play in Europe. In Italy alone, there are 300 professional clubs."

Added Vicenza director Fabrizio de Poli: "Sometimes, we need only one or two sessions to spot a talent… We don't look for normal players, we always look for something different."

Obtaining work permits shouldn't be an issue in Italy but one key concern is Singapore's mandatory two-year National Service, which all 18 year olds have to complete. Should any player be offered a contract, the academy will work with the authorities here for a solution.

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