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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Geylang staying hydrated with H-TWO-O


If there is anything weird to complain about these days, it is the intermittent weather.

It could be extremely hot one minute, and before you know it, it is raining heavily. It was thus fortunate that the dark clouds looming over Bedok Town Secondary School on 27 April turned out to produce only a slight drizzle that lasted no longer than a few minutes.

But none of that mattered to the boys from Bedok Town. As part of Geylang United’s School Outreach Programme, two of the Eagles – Hafiz Rahim and Yasir Hanapi – made time to impart their knowledge and skills in their beloved sport, football.

It was an act that was welcomed warmly by the participants.

“Engaging the minds and body of the students were the main objectives of the training,” said Khidhir Khamis, Youth Coach of the Eagles.

“And the effort put in by those boys matched up. Overall, good session!”

To add the icing to the cake, the Eagles also provided H-TWO-O for the boys. And their response to it was easily understood when some of them cheered on seeing the carton of drink being brought out for their enjoyment.

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