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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lionel Lewis – Full-time footballer, part-time actor


SINGAPORE, 19 April 2011: Five years ago, when Lionel Lewis won nomination for the 2006 Asian Footballer of the Year award, making him the only ASEAN player and only goalkeeper nominated in the history of the award, little did he know that it would open up gates to opportunities that one can only dream of.

One of the many opportunities came in the form of a sponsorship deal with YEO’S in 2008. Identified for his professionalism, charisma and inspirational determination on and off the field, Lionel, along with two of his Singapore National Teammates, became the face of H-TWO-O. Since then, the partnership between Lionel and YEO’S blossomed and as the ambassador of H-TWO-O, he has been actively involved in their advertising campaigns.

Today, the success of Lionel is evident and widespread. Not only is he well spoken of amongst his peers and the public, he is also synonymous to H-TWO-O as a brand ambassador. YEO’S acknowledgement of Lionel’s success as a footballer and brand ambassador was re-affirmed when they re-signed him as a brand ambassador for another five years. In return, this gave him additional media exposure.

To date, Lionel is H-TWO-O’S longest-serving brand ambassador. A delighted Lionel was given more to shout about when he was presented an opportunity by YEO’S to be the first S.League player to be featured in a TV commercial which was produced outside of Singapore.

Lionel feels that he would not have been where he is today if not for the support of YEO’S and acknowledges that such an opportunity doesn’t come by often.

Exemplifying the importance of hydration and how H-TWO-O can help an athlete reach their optimum performance level, the TVC, featuring Lionel and Triathlete Victoria Campbell, was shot at an altitude of 6,000m above sea level and took two weeks to shoot. It is currently aired on national TV.

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