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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Indon rebel league gets Fifa's nod


By Lee Min Kok

WORLD football body Fifa has recognised the rogue Indonesian Premier League (LPI) - which means that Singapore footballers Shahril Ishak and Baihakki Khaizan can be called up to play for the Lions.

Fifa's normalisation committee - appointed last week to take over from the Indonesian Football Federation's (PSSI) executive committee - said it has brought the LPI under its authority.

Agum Gumelar, the head of the normalisation committee, told the Jakarta Globe newspaper: 'We made the decision to accommodate the LPI under the committee's supervision until the end of the season.'

'After the end of its season (in November), the LPI must report to the new PSSI leadership, who will decide on the league's future.'

The decision to recognise the LPI was agreed on by an LPI consortium, the PSSI's Indonesian league body and Agum's committee, which enjoys the full support of Fifa.

This paves the way for defender Baihakki and skipper Shahril, both 27, to be selected in national coach Raddy Avramovic's squad for the second round of the 2014 World Cup qualifiers in July.

The duo's international futures were cast in doubt when they left the PSSI-sanctioned Indonesia Super League (ISL) to sign lucrative two-year contracts with LPI club Medan Chiefs in February.

Both players could not be reached for comment yesterday.

When contacted, LPI spokesman Abi Hasantoso said that the normalisation committee's decision was not entirely unexpected.

He added: 'This is very good news for Indonesian football because we are running a professional league according to Fifa and Asian Football Confederation (AFC) rules.'

'It is also fortunate for Bai(hakki) and Shahril because they will be cleared to play for Singapore.'

Indonesian players like striker Irfan Bachdim, who plays for LPI side Persema Malang, will also be eligible to play for their country.

However, it is still unclear whether the LPI - set up by oil tycoon Arifin Panigoro last October - will be dissolved or merged with the ISL next season, as Fifa rules state that only one domestic competition is allowed in a country.

A decision is expected after a new executive committee is elected during the PSSI elections on May 20.

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