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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

LionsXII midfielder suspended for breach of conduct


SINGAPORE - LionsXII midfielder Firdaus Kasman has been suspended indefinitely by the Football Association of Singapore (FAS) following a birthday outing last Saturday, which ended in the police detaining the 24-year-old and a friend.

The FAS in a statement released last night said that Firdaus has been suspended because he has breached its Code of Conduct & Professional Ethics, which specifically prohibits the consumption of alcohol at any time.

The FAS condemned the player's action, which they deemed irresponsible, and will decide on the appropriate action to be taken after a disciplinary committee hearing.

Meanwhile, Firdaus and his unnamed childhood friend are also under investigation by the police for an incident, in which the friend had allegedly picked up a lady's handbag, while believing it to belong to Firdaus' fiancee.

The incident took place while the friend was helping Firdaus to the toilet as the footballer felt like vomiting. Subsequently, the police who was called in detained the two of them.

The police detention had resulted in Firdaus missing training on Sunday.

Firdaus has issued an apology expressing regret for his actions and his willingness to accept the pending sanctions from the FAS disciplinary committee.

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