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Friday, February 17, 2012

Firdaus fined S$10,000


Midfielder Firdaus Kasman was fined S$10,000 yesterday for consuming alcohol at a birthday outing on Feb 4.

The 24-year-old was deemed to have breached the Football Association of Singapore's (FAS) Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics.

But the FAS have confirmed his subsequent suspension, which saw him miss the LionsXII's last three Malaysian Super League matches, has been lifted, meaning he is available for the team's first-round Malaysian FA Cup clash against Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) this Saturday.

Apart from the hefty fine, Firdaus will also speak on the dangers of violating the Code of Conduct to his LionsXII team-mates, the Courts Young Lions and National Football Academy (NFA) age-group teams.

In a statement, Firdaus expressed remorse and regret, and apologised to the FAS, his coaches and team-mates, as well as his family and fans.

Describing it as a "heavy punishment", he also thanked the FAS disciplinary committee for giving him another chance by not terminating his LionsXII contract. "I shall constantly remind myself and the other players of the terms of the Code of Conduct which we had promised to comply with when we signed it," said Firdaus. "My immediate priority now is to resume training and earn back a place in the LionsXII team."

Firdaus had consumed alcohol on Feb 4 and was helped by an un-named friend to the toilet to vomit. However, his friend allegedly picked up a lady's handbag thinking it belonged to Firdaus' fiancee, and they were questioned by the police. As a result, Firdaus missed training the next day.

However, the three-man FAS disciplinary committee chaired by Lim Kia Tong said mitigating factors in the LionsXII midfielder's favour was the remorse and regret he showed and his clean disciplinary record.

Firdaus is also assisting the police in investigations over the alleged theft on Feb 4.

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