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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

First a camp in Singapore, then maybe a Barcelona academy here


SINGAPORE - They have one in Peru, three in the Middle East and one each in Hong Kong and Fukuoka, Japan. Two more are scheduled to open in Jakarta this year.

Spain's Barcelona Football Club, rated the best in the world over the last few years, are now exploring the possibility of setting up a football academy in Singapore.

In March, three of the club's coaches will conduct a five-day camp here in a tie-up with local sports company, Sporting Juniors.

Here to launch the camp yesterday, director of FC Barcelona Soccer School (FCBEscola) Xavi Marce said the expansion overseas is to gain more fans and support for the club, and Singapore has the right infrastructure and business environment for their football academy.

"For me the coaches and the people here have a different mentality, it is a modern and developing country, and I like to create another school for Barcelona here," said the 37-year-old.

"I am not in a hurry because we want to do a very good job for our future. Who knows, it could happen next summer and if the players, coaches and the people in Singapore want a FCBEscola here.

"But it is not easy even if we have the money for this because we need trainers, we need material and facilities. If we have all of these, why not?

"When we come to a new country, we want to take things step by step."

The club and Sporting Juniors are targeting a mix of 144 boys and girls under the age of 14 for the five-day camp from March 12 to 16 and it will cost S$495 per child (early bird discount) to register.

Barcelona will fly in three of their coaches to conduct the camp, and will select around six local ones to assist them. Ian De Cotta

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