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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Coaches ready and well-equipped


Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011

In their last session with the kids, the trainee coaches, who were undergoing their AFC ‘C’ Certificate course, ran the show. Course instructor, Coach Mohamed Zainudeen, took a back seat and watched his trainees strut their stuff.

A total of 18 kids with special needs made their way down to Jalan Besar Stadium in the afternoon of 29th October 2011, to have their session of training with the trainee coaches. These coaches were undergoing their module – introductory course for coaching disabled footballers.

Head coach Zai, as he is affectionately known, was pleased with his charges. He spoke of them, “I am pleased with the trainee coaches. Not once I stepped in to interrupt their coaching sessions.”

He continued, “The trainee coaches are now equipped with skills to manage and engage these kids in any training situation.”

This however, was not the case just a week ago.

Commenting on his students, “The first time the trainee coaches had to train them, they had difficulty engaging them. But through experience and time spent with the kids, the coaches now have a better understanding on how to train kids with special needs.”

Course attendee, and national striker, Aleksandar Duric, also shared his thoughts on coaching these kids with special needs. “I am really honoured to have the session with the boys and girls. I think they enjoyed themselves immensely with me and other fellow national players like Fahrudin and Lionel.”

The 41-year-old target man, also commented on his quest to be granted his coaching licence. “Our job is to impart our knowledge of the sport to others. To see smiles on their faces and to see them enjoying themselves playing football is enough for us coaches. That is why we are here.”

One of the kids, who attended the session was 19-year-old, Muhammad Diroy. He too, like the coaches themselves, enjoyed the session tremendously. “I feel really happy and satisfied with today’s session. I play futsal on a regular basis and I am right legged. But the session taught me how to utilise both feet. Now I can play with my left foot, and I will be using more of it in time to come!”, said Diroy with a beam on his face.

Another participant of the training session, 21-year-old Yati, also echoed the same sentiments as her fellow mates. "It was a great experience being trained by these coaches, especially the national players. We have learnt a lot from them despite the short session, such as various techniques and skills that can be used during a match. We hope that there are more of these sessions for us!", said a satisfied Yati.

The course saw the trainee coaches taking turns in taking charge of the drills and games that was planned out for the kids, all under the watchful eye of Coach Zai. The coaches will be sitting for their theory and practical tests on 30th and 31st of October respectively.

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